Monday, December 21, 2009

Live my dreams

Today I want to talk to you about dreams, both your dreams and my own. I am currently reading a book by John C.Maxwell. This book was developed to help people discover their own dreams and find out if they have what it takes to achieve them.
John Maxwell's description of what a dream means to him, really spoke to me. I hadn't realized until about three years ago that I had given up on my dreams long ago. The result was devastating to my life. I was like an empty shell for so long, there was nothing inside of me to motivate and energize me. I had nothing to look forward to and nothing to reach towards. I was moving through the motions of life, I awoke each day , I ate when I was hungry, slept when I was tired, did my chores.
I wasn't doing anything at all to stimulate or educate myself. This, in my opinion is NOT living! It is simply existing.
My husband came home one day about three years ago with this energy and lightness to him that I hadn't seen in him or myself for many years. He began to excitedly explain to me about a new Multi-level Marketing business that he had invested in that was going to change our lives.
My first reaction was to explode in anger. I couldn't understand how he could do such a thing without talking to me first. I didn't know anything about MLM businesses at the time and so I was very skeptical and negative.
But eventually the shock wore off and I began to get excited too, not only because the business was fun and exciting but also because my husband and I were suddenly engulfed in a world in which we knew nothing about, it was a careless and spontaneous decision that placed us in that situation and it made us feel young and energized again. Young people take chances without worrying so much about the concequences. My husband and I needed this sort of action to pull us out of that stagnant existance into this new exciting way of living.
Since that day we have been buying books,surfing the net, watching webcasts listening to motivational speakers, subscribing to "Success" magazine all in an effort to grow and learn in different areas of this new life of ours.
We are closer than ever as a couple we keep inspiring and motivating eachother to keep dreaming and keep pursuing our own and eachother's dreams. We are better parents and better partners now because we are enjoying our lives.
I love our life now, essentially isn't that everybody's ultimate dream?
I hope that you are living your dream right now, today while there is still breath in you. I know that one day my life will expire and we all have this one thing in common, shouldn't we all be making the very best of this life? We only get one shot at this life.

I will leave you with these two verses to meditate upon until next time;

Ecclesiastes 9:10+11
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;
for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill;
but time and chance happeneth to them all.
(KJ Bible)


  1. Wow OMG Your writting is the truth, I cant belive the power of the word that breaks through the divine rock and flows like the waters of yolante....Hey it's me thanks and praise blessed love

  2. Thanks so much for your comments!Thank you for taking time to read my blog ( :
