Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Recently I made a commitment to myself. I came to the realization that I had been waiting for my dreams and deepest desires to spontaneously manifest themselves in my life! Life just doesn't work that way. In order to have what I want I must first admit that I want it, then I must take the appropriate steps to obtain that want. There is no magic to the process.
I gave birth to our second son about 6 months ago. I was already overweight and out of shape from having our 3 year old. I was having some medical problems as well. I kept complaining about my weight,waiting for it to go away as I continued to eat all of the things that were contributing to this weight gain. Can you guess what happened next? That's right, I gained even more weight!! I was feeling miserable about it and my health was suffering from the excess weight.
One day I made mention to some family members what my weightloss goals were, they both, in unison, said that my goals were not realistic. This infuriated me, and hurt me deeply. Their comments also did something else for me though. Their comments awoke my awareness. Awareness of how very much I wanted to lose weight. The next step was making a plan of action to get the weight off of me. I knew that it would take more than a diet for myself because I didn't just want to lose weight, I wanted to be healthier and happier, I wanted a new life that did not include feeling sorry for myself and eating away my happiness. I went online in search of a way to educate myself. I found a life changing book that any woman who is in search of weight loss and life change should pick up for herself. It is called SIMPLY....WOMAN! By Crystal Andrus.
Then I made the commitment to do whatever it takes to get what I want and in just 8 short weeks I am already just 10 pounds away from my weightloss goals. I am jogging 3miles everymorning effortlessly, which is something I only dreamed of doing once upon a time. I am eating foods that I did not know that I could ever enjoy and I never want to go back to my old life EVER again! I love my new body and my new life and my new energy!!! I feel alive and healthy!
My point is that, my new body and life did not magically appear. I worked hard for it because it is important to ME. No one could ever have came along and shed the weight for me. I had to take myself and my dream seriously to make it a reality. When my family made those comments, I could have easily allowed those comments to crush my dream and my confidence, I didn't allow that because I BELIEVE IN MYSELF! I don't need them to believe in me. I have all that I need to be happy and make my dreams a reality because all that I need is ME and my commitment to myself!
So if you are reading this and have a dream that is burried away in the deepest darkest part of yourself. Just know that as long as there is breath in you and your heart is still beating it is never too late to do the things that matter most to you. NO ONE will do it for you, and if you never do what you dream of, then those dreams will perish with you as you take your last breath. Commit to yourself, take one step at a time and before you know it you are closer to your dream than you have ever been! Educate yourself in things that are interesting and important to you. Read and do things that stimulate your mind and make you feel energetic and alive! Don't just exist! LIVE!!!!!
Write your goals down, stick them somewhere where you can read them everyday. Write down your ideas of small step(or big steps if you are feeling brave) that you can make that will move you in the direction of achieving what is yours to achieve.
As DR Phil would say; BE-DO-HAVE
BE committed
DO what it takes
and you will HAVE what you want!!!!
I will leave you with this verse to meditate upon and to put into action in your own life.

ROMANS 12:1+2
I beseech you therefore, bretheren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


  1. Not only did you transform your body, you tranformed your mind more importantly. You are an amazment to myself and many others. Myself have learnt much from your streghth and determination. Don't mess with some one who wants to change. Love you lots!

  2. Oh wow! That's a powerful post. Thanks for following my blog!
