Friday, September 24, 2010

Spreading warmth and light

Autumn has arrived and with this lovely season comes shorter days and longer nights. The sky is often gray and the air chilled. This weather often leaves many of us feeling a little down...under the weather, lethargic.

What is it about the autumn that makes us feel so down and tired and lazy? Most people that I've spoken to about this seem to believe that it is the darkness that brings out this melancholy mood from within us. So I thought to myself, what is light? The sunshine is not the only source of light in our lives. I don't know about you but I know a few people in my life that make me feel like the sun is shinning right through me when I am around them. The little things they do to make me smile. The warmth of their closeness, a hug a shared joke or story. When we do something wonderful for someone else, it warms us and it warms them! I guess that is what I am trying to get to then! Don't let these short days run you into a cave to hibernate! Don't miss out on the beauty of the changing leaves and the crisp air or the first few snowfalls and the children's delight at the first round of twenty plus Centermeters of

Be courageous and adventursome and try, just try to look at these changes with childlike wonder! All the children that I know in my neighborhood, play outside from the moment they get home from school until the sun goes down. When they finally wave goodbye to their friends on the way in you can see the great disappointment on their faces at having to go back to the Homework and toothbrushing and bathing, where is the fun in that!
If you are cooped up at work all day in an office or other building, fresh air is probably just what you need! A spin around your neighborhood on your bicycle will get your blood flowing. Once the snow hits there is plenty of opportunity to help shovel yourself and your neighboor out. It is a great way to keep in shape and a great way to do something that will make you and your neighbor feel warmed. Try it! I dare you to ( ;

Oh yeah...PS: Happy shoveling!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to school-School of life

Shouldn't life be more of something to treasure than to throw away or sit on.
If we took a little time everyday to sit and be quiet, to feed on the word of life, and to ponder what we have read and to search ourselves to find a way to move with faith. How different our lives would be. Can you imagine your life lived out with purpose? I have coasted through life in my past. Following my heart, looking for a sign, waiting...always waiting for something,someone. Then I picked up my bible and started reading. I spent hours reading and pondering, then I began to believe what I was reading. I knew that I believed by the way I actually began to change the way I live. Is this not what faith is? ~Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.For by it the elders obtained a good report.(Hebrews 11:1+2) What did the elders do to obtain this good report? They did things that seemed outlandish to the people who were around to see. They believed God when no one else would, they did for him things that no one else wanted to do. They lived in a way that pleased the Father and stood to seem ridiculous because of it. I can imagine, just as we do, that these elders sure had it tough at times too, they may have been lonely on their journey too, they may have wanted to cry and give up too, but they didn't. They believed God's promises and wanted to obtain them. And believe it or not~These all died in faith,not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were pilgrims on the earth~(Hebrews 11:13) PILGRIMS~ We are just travelling through,brothers and sisters, so don't get caught up and trapped into serving the distractions that this world has to offer.
We are in these vessels right now, and I pray that we all die in faith, having been persuaded of God's promises and having embraced them. I hope you are confessing to yourself and to others that you are a pilgrim. Our home is Heaven!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Life as a spiritual journey

I awoke today with a fresh canvas,a blank page, a clean slate ahead of me.
My first stroke of paint my first word and my first action of the day was to give God the glory for it, to give thanks and to nourish my mind and spirit,body and soul with His merciful and powerful words.

I then fed my children, got dressed and grabbed my MP3 player. I headed outside for an hour long walk, I listened to spiritual songs on my MP3 player, singing and humming along, making a joyful sound. I smiled at everyone I saw. I meditated on God's word as I Walked, letting it fill me up with courrage and strength, peace and joy. I came back home armed with God's armour, ready for the day ahead of me. My day is still playing out as I write these words, but even still, I KNOW that I will be victorious all day long and close my eyes at my day's end as an overcomer! Hallelujah!

What do you nourish yourself with? It is no secret that whatever you put into your body will make it's way out somehow. Is it not safe to say that the same can be applied to every aspect of your life? If you are watching hour upon hour of Television and news reports, and listening to the radio, you will find yourself filled to the brim with and endless supply of useless, often unhealthy information. Just to give you one example of how
the world around us is affecting us, consider our women, our woman are suffering from unhealthy body image and being fed the idea that it is healthy and "normal" to walk around scantily dressed. There is NOTHING normal about allowing random people see as much of your body as your husband would see at your most intimate moments. If this is normal to you, I ask that you please let the idea of your body being something that is to be kept Holy, to tumble around in your mind.

~1 Thessalonians 4:4~ That every one of you should know how to posses his vessel in sanctification and honour
~1 Thessalonians 4:7~ For God hath NOT called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness

Where does that leave our husbands, what honour are we gifting our husbands with if his eyes are not the only eyes that have looked upon our bodies.
Did you know that Jesus taught this," Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shalt not commit adultery:
But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.~ St Matthew 7:27+28~

That being said, how many times do we witness adultery amoung us. It has become the norm to look upon a woman in that manner. It doesn't have to be the norm for you, you have the power to make that change and to help woman to become women of honour. You have the power to help men become men of honour. The choice to turn of the tv, and radio and to
pick up our bibles and start seeing life through God's eyes, through spiritual eyes.It's our choice! How exciting is that!

~ St John 4:23+24~ But the hour cometh, AND NOW IS, when the TRUE worshippers, shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Do yo think that burning incense, listening to Bob Marley or doing some yoga, is what makes a man spiritual? These are wordly things not spiritual things. I have heard people name all sorts of things as what they believe to be spiritual, but I assure you that in order to be spiritual you must stop living a wordly life, start reading your bible, and start living the way God teaches us to live through the Gospel.

~ 1 Corinthians 2:11-14~ For what man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him?Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man(the general population) receiveth NOT the things of the spirit of GOD:for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerened.

So, if you are listening to music that is obscene and perverted, watching television that is uneducational,perverted and obscene. Reading material that is uneduacational, perverted and obscene, all of which have absolutely nothing to do with God... then what type of life will you be living? What sort of thoughts will you be having? What sorts of conversations and environments will seem normal and acceptable to you? Are you begining to see the point.
If making heaven and pleasing God isn't your goal and priority then by all means continue on in your spirit of error. If, however, you wish to live a life that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father and you want to make Heaven, then you need the way, the truth and the life! His name is Jesus and you can learn the way, the truth and the life by reading your KING JAMES BIBLE!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love thy neighbor???

Neighbor: 1: One living or located near another
2: Fellow man

My neighbor on my left side's name is Patrick, he is an exceptional father and a true famliy man.
My neighbor on my right side's name is Fannie, she is a stay at home mother of two, she is a dedicated mother and loves to laugh.

Patrick once found me trying to wrestle the snow from our driveway, he went behind his house for a moment came back with a snowplough and ploughed the whole driveway. This was the first time we had ever talked, he didn't even know my name at the time.

Fannie just moved on to our street about two weeks ago, she introduced herself immediately and we have already exchanged houseplants and gifts for our respective children.

There is a little boy named Steve whom I had the pleasure of meeting last week at the park where I sometimes bring my children. As he was swinging upside down from the monkey bars two blades fell from his napsack. Without ever having spoken to him before, I immediately began to question this boy about where he found those blades and why he had them in his bag. I spent the following hour trying to wrap his 12 year old mind around what it means to pierce the flesh of another human being and draw blood or worse yet, kill. I made him think about what it would be like to have to be sentenced with time in jail and labeled as a murderer.
In the end he understood, I walked him home on the way to my home, each of us holding one hand on either side of my 3 year old whom he played with while we spoke. The boy had a good heart and I can tell he like the way that I spoke to him, he liked being treated like a young adult, because that is what he is. He had begun to think of himself as a degenerate, simply because the people in his life treated him so.

Is it not our responsibility, as fellow human beings, to treat eachother like good neighbors? We love on the same planet and breath the same air and we all bleed blood and must die one day. Our time here is so short, and yet we constantly ignore any chance we have at doing good for one another.

We all watch the news or read the paper, and there is no question that the world is filled to the brim with terrible, nightmarish situations and people. It is easy to chain up our doors and pretend not to see the people around us so as to avoid "potential" dangers or whatever it is people hide from.

We complain about change needing to happen everywhere, but are WE as individuals willing to make the changes within ourselves to suit the outcome that we wish to see?

When I met that little boy Steve, and saw two giant blades slip from his bag, Steve became my own son at that moment, he became my responsibility, simply because he is my neighbor, my fellow man.

Patrick had finished his driveway and could have gone inside and warmed himself with some hot cocoa on that cold winter day, but I am his neighbor, his fellow man and he felt it to be his responsibility to help a woman who was trying to shovel her driveway while attending to her toddler.

Fannie could have pretended not to notice me as I was walking towards my front door, but instead she called out to me to get my attention so that she could introduce herself, she felt it her responsibility to simply exchange pleasantries with her neighbor and fellow man, which in turn created a budding friendship.

I challenge you today to go out there and do some nice things for people who's name's you don't know! We can be mindful of our safety without being rude and unsocial.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Assault on a gentle spirit

I warn you that the following post is not my usual type of post. It was written on a day that my heart was heavy with burdens. We all have these sorts of days and it is important to remember during trying times, that there is a greater purpose in our life and keeping our minds and hearts on the end goal and on the Word and Ways of God, will keep us from the temptation to fall away from our path.

One day slips into another. Am I happy? Am I doing all that is important and necessary to my happiness. Do my dreams correspond with my final day’s fulfillment?
How difficult the hours of my day are as I try to fulfill my life’s desires while attending to my children my husband, my friends and family, strangers, enemies and loved ones. Everyone demands a moment of my time...My time, the time that becomes increasingly valuable to me as I grow wiser and older and closer to my final moments.
I am a small voice in the vast ocean of egos that assault this air. No one can hear me and no one cares to hear me because most are consumed by their own desires and dramas. I listen to their needs attentively hoping that it will inspire one to return the courtesy. Most never do and never will. This is the world and I must continue to breathe in it even as the air is assaulting my lungs and giving me cancer.
I must smile and forgive even as I feel the next assault coming on.
I am promised a place in the kingdom if I can only remain a pillar on earth. I shall abide because I cannot imagine an eternity without light, without comfort without the king of kings attending to my many wounds. Oh and they are many. My gentle spirit has been through the spin cycle too many times and counting.
What does it all matter anyhow? The money, the glory, the riches, the clothing. The fancy homes and shiny accessories? These things can never bring me the peace that I so dearly crave and need. What I crave, what I need are the molecules, the itsy bitsy fragments of cells in my body that tell my brain to tell me that I am happy and healthy, peaceful and loved. Appreciated and cared for. Everything is so senseless. Glory to God for the way the truth and the life, for without it my life would have no purpose, no form and shape.
Words printed and visible for the eyes to read make my voice louder than it can ever truly be.

~Ecclesiastes 12: 13+14~

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Work hard, Play harder!

I have recently come to understand that just working hard in life will not ensure us great personal success. Nor does it ensure great financial success for that matter! Hard work needs to be mixed with such core values as, integrity, compassion, vision, and a deep driving desire to reap the greatest rewards.Most importantly, having a joyful disposition will make even the most difficult of workdays smoother and more enjoyable. How dreadful a thing it is to not find joy in what you do and how you live.

I have witnessed people who are labeled "workaholics" who work night and day, yet don't seem to have any satisfaction either in their pocketbook nor in the area of personal accomplishment. The lives of these people sadden me deeply because I value life, I know that our time is our greatest commodity. Our time cannot be bought nor sold, it is PRICELESS and IRREPLACEABLE, so it is important to use the precious hours and days, minutes and seconds of our life and our time with the greatest of care. What good is a 16hr work day if it hasn't helped you to move any closer to your goals or desires?

I am a firm believer that small chunks of time used everyday to work on our life goals will without a doubt reward us with our hearts desire in time. The key,however, is to be CONSISTENT. This is a VERY VALUABLE way of spending one's time.

Our day's work should not end at the end of a work day. Especially if we are working for someone else doing something that we don't love. Instead, our workday should just be begining! Instead of parking ourselves in front of the TV night after night right after supper, why not get down to the business of LIVING! MOVING! PLAYING! Even if you love your job, that isn't a reason to stop dreaming and planning and living.
I don't know about you, but I know that I definately do NOT want to live to pay my bills!

So, try something different tonight after work and supper. Go for a long walk with someone you love, or take up a class that teaches something that intrigues you. Read a book, do some exercise, just try it...You can do it! I believe in you ( :
If you need ideas of what to do, then try writing down some of the dreams or goals or any interest that you have and then try to chose an activity that will be a fun way to explore those interest or goals.

If you have a crush on an italian guy at work, then take an italian class for beginners, practice with your crush...who knows where that can lead ( ;
If you have always wanted to learn how to knit, start up a knitting group that meets once a week to just chat, knit and enjoy some good times.
Have a sweet tooth? Take up a baking class! I'm sure you get the point by now, if not...then let me spell it out for you... HAVE FUN, amuse yourself and enjoy yourself, doing something thing that is foreign to you. You never know where this may lead you!

~Think and grow rich- Napoleon Hill~

Strange and varied are the ways of life, and stranger still are the ways of infinite intelligence, through which people are sometimes forced to undergo all sorts of punishment before discovering their own brains, and their own capacity to create useful ideas tthrough imagination.

~ 1 Corinthians 2:9~

But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Open your eyes

The most moving and exciting thing happened to me this eyes opened! How marvelous! I will live to see another day! Of all of the gifts that I have received, LIFE has been the most significant to me. As any other gift that I receive, I will appreciate this gift and put it to GOOD use! I will fill my day with all of the GOOD and wonderful works that are well pleasing to my Heavenly Father.

Last night I ran into a friend whom I had not seen in maybe two years. She shared some very sad news with me, the news that her dear sister had passed away last year. She had gone to wake her sister in the morning, and it was then that my friend realized that her sister had lived her last day on the previous day. No one had expected her heart attack. She was vivacious and young. I can't help but wonder if she had lived a life that was fulfilling to her.

When your eyes opened this morning, did you greet this day as though it were the first and the last day of your life? Are you doing your very best to make little steps at every moment of your day that will lead you in the direction that you WANT to head in, or are you just coasting along in life hoping that you will drift into peace, joy, fulfillment, or any other exciting life achievement?

Take control of your life today! This precious gift is YOUR life and no one else knows what stirs your heart and brings you joy. No one else can live out your dreams for you. Be responsible for your life and where it is going. Today may be your last. If this were your last day, would you be ready or would your end come before you had done ALL of the things that would make you feel satisfied and unashamed to meet the KING OF KINGS?


I will live this day as if it is my last.
I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time. When I waste one I destroy the other. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return. It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow, for who can trap the wind? Each minute of this day will I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for it's value is beyond price. What dying man can purchase another breath though he willingly give all his gold? What price dare I place on the hours ahead? I will make them priceless!

King James Bible ~ Ecclesiastes 8:5-8~

Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.
Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him.
For he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be?
There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.

So as you can read. We have no power over the time of our death, but we do have power over the state of our souls and the state of our lives at the UNKNOWN time of our death! So start living RIGHT today! Now, while your eyes are open!

Friday, April 16, 2010

What is your GOOD news today?

My three year old has developed a habit of asking me periodically throughout the day this VERY wonderful question;
"Mama, what is your good news today?" I am a deep thinker and most often if no one is talking to me I will fall immdeiately into my thoughts. Perhaps my son mistakens my "thinking face" for my "upset face" because I can feel as I awaken from my thoughts, how my brow has been creased with seriousness and concentration. So when he suddenly asks his question with his excited and expectant eyes, I can't help but smile and laugh as he rouses me from the depths of my thoughts. I then begin to pick through my day's adventures to find my very most favorite part of my day. Once I have retrieved the memory I then share it with him and then put the question right back to him. He laughs as he recounts his "good news" to me.
It is often too easy for us to be overwhelemed and saddened by what we hear through our televisions and radio stations. We are constantly accosted by the headlines of our magazines and newspapers. More than ever it has become essential to habitually take inventory of all that is good and positive and motivational in our lives.
I take great pleasure in elevating my mind and spirit to new hieghts. My mind and spirit may be resident in this carnal flesh of mine, but they cannot however, be bound by my flesh! My mind and spirit's potential to grow and aquire GOOD knowledge upon GOOD knowledge is endless!

Philippians 4:8~ Finally, brethren, Whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE, think on THESE things.

A particular train of thought persisted in, be it good or bad, cannot fail to produce
it's results on the character and circumstances. A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so directly, yet surely, shape his circumstances. (AS A MAN THINKETH By James Allen)

Monday, April 12, 2010

What is my Legacy?

In my quest to find someone who is like me, someone who understands me and connects with me; I have discovered that there is no one like me in the world! I am beautifully unique and so are you! My uniqueness is my gift, my legacy to those who know me. Your uniqueness is your gift and legacy to me! So thank you for being you!
In our uniqueness we all can teach eachother something, and this is why I love to meet new people. I want to learn something new all of the time, I want to share with you all of the GOOD things that I learn so that you will be that much better.
When I was a young child I was very quiet. I remember hiding in small spaces and listening to the people in my life communicate with eachother. I did this throughout my entire childhood, as you can imagine, I learned a great deal about people. In fact I am still learning about people everyday as we interact with one another. I can easily lose myself in the layers of a humans' mind. I enjoy people and our many characters! We are a colorful creation.
So my question to you today is this; What do you wish to impart on this world? I want to leave nothing but goodness behind when I close my eyes in my final rest.
To do this I have to do a lot of "weeding" throughout my day! I weed away any thought that will not produce good fruit. I stop negative conversations dead in their tracks if they are in my presence. I reinforce my "entourage" with positive quotes, books, stories, ideas and energy. I do this because I love the people in my life and this includes the cashier at my local grocery store or my mailman, everyone in my life is important to me, their faces are part of the story of my life. My life is important to me. I have only this one life in this earthly vessel. I do not posses many material riches, nor do I have the luxury of free time or financial wealth. What I do posses are blessings greater than what the world has to offer. I am overflowing with the peace and joy that only simple living can bring about. My riches are of the type that cannot be measured.
This is my legacy. This is my story.
Let us be more mindful of what we say and do, even when we think that no one is listening or watching. Your words, thoughts and actions are powerful, and they make up the text and the design of your story.

Here is a VERY powerful quote from my favorite book in the world(besides the Bible)

A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. (As a man thinketh by James Allen)

St Mark 7:15,21-23~
There is nothing from without a man, that enetering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
All of these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

So lets start weeding out anything that is no good in our lives today!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Recently I made a commitment to myself. I came to the realization that I had been waiting for my dreams and deepest desires to spontaneously manifest themselves in my life! Life just doesn't work that way. In order to have what I want I must first admit that I want it, then I must take the appropriate steps to obtain that want. There is no magic to the process.
I gave birth to our second son about 6 months ago. I was already overweight and out of shape from having our 3 year old. I was having some medical problems as well. I kept complaining about my weight,waiting for it to go away as I continued to eat all of the things that were contributing to this weight gain. Can you guess what happened next? That's right, I gained even more weight!! I was feeling miserable about it and my health was suffering from the excess weight.
One day I made mention to some family members what my weightloss goals were, they both, in unison, said that my goals were not realistic. This infuriated me, and hurt me deeply. Their comments also did something else for me though. Their comments awoke my awareness. Awareness of how very much I wanted to lose weight. The next step was making a plan of action to get the weight off of me. I knew that it would take more than a diet for myself because I didn't just want to lose weight, I wanted to be healthier and happier, I wanted a new life that did not include feeling sorry for myself and eating away my happiness. I went online in search of a way to educate myself. I found a life changing book that any woman who is in search of weight loss and life change should pick up for herself. It is called SIMPLY....WOMAN! By Crystal Andrus.
Then I made the commitment to do whatever it takes to get what I want and in just 8 short weeks I am already just 10 pounds away from my weightloss goals. I am jogging 3miles everymorning effortlessly, which is something I only dreamed of doing once upon a time. I am eating foods that I did not know that I could ever enjoy and I never want to go back to my old life EVER again! I love my new body and my new life and my new energy!!! I feel alive and healthy!
My point is that, my new body and life did not magically appear. I worked hard for it because it is important to ME. No one could ever have came along and shed the weight for me. I had to take myself and my dream seriously to make it a reality. When my family made those comments, I could have easily allowed those comments to crush my dream and my confidence, I didn't allow that because I BELIEVE IN MYSELF! I don't need them to believe in me. I have all that I need to be happy and make my dreams a reality because all that I need is ME and my commitment to myself!
So if you are reading this and have a dream that is burried away in the deepest darkest part of yourself. Just know that as long as there is breath in you and your heart is still beating it is never too late to do the things that matter most to you. NO ONE will do it for you, and if you never do what you dream of, then those dreams will perish with you as you take your last breath. Commit to yourself, take one step at a time and before you know it you are closer to your dream than you have ever been! Educate yourself in things that are interesting and important to you. Read and do things that stimulate your mind and make you feel energetic and alive! Don't just exist! LIVE!!!!!
Write your goals down, stick them somewhere where you can read them everyday. Write down your ideas of small step(or big steps if you are feeling brave) that you can make that will move you in the direction of achieving what is yours to achieve.
As DR Phil would say; BE-DO-HAVE
BE committed
DO what it takes
and you will HAVE what you want!!!!
I will leave you with this verse to meditate upon and to put into action in your own life.

ROMANS 12:1+2
I beseech you therefore, bretheren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.