Friday, September 24, 2010

Spreading warmth and light

Autumn has arrived and with this lovely season comes shorter days and longer nights. The sky is often gray and the air chilled. This weather often leaves many of us feeling a little down...under the weather, lethargic.

What is it about the autumn that makes us feel so down and tired and lazy? Most people that I've spoken to about this seem to believe that it is the darkness that brings out this melancholy mood from within us. So I thought to myself, what is light? The sunshine is not the only source of light in our lives. I don't know about you but I know a few people in my life that make me feel like the sun is shinning right through me when I am around them. The little things they do to make me smile. The warmth of their closeness, a hug a shared joke or story. When we do something wonderful for someone else, it warms us and it warms them! I guess that is what I am trying to get to then! Don't let these short days run you into a cave to hibernate! Don't miss out on the beauty of the changing leaves and the crisp air or the first few snowfalls and the children's delight at the first round of twenty plus Centermeters of

Be courageous and adventursome and try, just try to look at these changes with childlike wonder! All the children that I know in my neighborhood, play outside from the moment they get home from school until the sun goes down. When they finally wave goodbye to their friends on the way in you can see the great disappointment on their faces at having to go back to the Homework and toothbrushing and bathing, where is the fun in that!
If you are cooped up at work all day in an office or other building, fresh air is probably just what you need! A spin around your neighborhood on your bicycle will get your blood flowing. Once the snow hits there is plenty of opportunity to help shovel yourself and your neighboor out. It is a great way to keep in shape and a great way to do something that will make you and your neighbor feel warmed. Try it! I dare you to ( ;

Oh yeah...PS: Happy shoveling!


  1. Hey chicky, thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I don't submit posts anymore (not at this stage anyway!) but i do still pop by and check on whats happening and it was really nice to see your comment. I think I'm going to enjoy visiting your blog and keeping up on your posts. Bless you lots girl, thanks again for your encouragement. May you grow in God this new year like never before & may you and your family be blessed beyond your wildest dreams! Hugs

  2. Awwwh! Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. I feel the love!LOL!
    I would love to hear some news of a new blog from got me hooked and then you leave me I respect your choice to stop though.Thanks for taking time out to read some of my blog. Thank you also for the well wishes for myself and my family. I pray that your faith increases in the coming year through reading and living the word of God.xox

  3. I enjoyed reading your article! it is so true. God Bless you!Keep illuminating:)

  4. Thank you so very much for taking time out of your day to read what rolls around in my mind!

  5. isn't it amazing how simple things in life are the most important. Agree with every word, need to do it myself.

  6. I am new to blogging. Would love if you could read my story and comment on it:)
